2017年7月31日 – 8月6日
MAIN STAGE: 1200 Micrograms Band | Aardvarkk | Ace Ventura | Acid Mind | Ajja | Alpha Portal | Anthill | Arcon | Arjuna | Astrix | Atmos | Avalon | Aurafood | Beardy Weardy | Braincell | Bumbling Loons | Circuit Breakers | Cylon | Dark Nebula | Digoa | Dirty Saffi | Dr Space | Drip Drop | Driss | Dust | Earthspace | Eat Static | Ebru | Evil Oil Man | Gaspard | Gino Sonica | Giuseppe | GMS Classic | Goa Jonas | Govinda | Hatta | Hujaboy | Hypereggs | Imaginarium | Imagine Mars | 1rgum 3urgum | Janux | Jonas | Juno Reactor & The Mutant Theatre V2 | Justin Chaos | Kala | Kasatka | Kokobloko | Koxbox | Liftshift | Liquid Soul | Loonacy | Mad Tribe | Magik | Martian Arts | Melting Point | Mindwave | Naima | Nazgul | Novelty Engine | Oforia | Ohm | Onkel Dunkel | Ott Band | Perfect Stranger vs Loud | Phobos | Protonica | Psyletzky | Rawar | Regan | Rinkadink vs Element | Shiva Chandra | Simiantics | Soundaholix | System Static | Tristan | Tron | Tsubi | Union Jack | X-Dream | XYU | Yudhisthira
THE DOME: Aes Dana | Aliji | Antonio Giampietro | Bayawaka | Beta | Bwoy De Bayan | Carbon Based Lifeforms | Clairvo | Ada Kaleh | Dj Josko | Dubnotic | Eat Static ‘Lost In Time’ | Eitan Reiter (Electronica Live Show) | Gabriel Le Mar Presents Synergy Dub | Giuseppe | Global Mystic | Globular | Illuminus | Kaya Project | Lokasti & Nektarios | Lucas | Marcus Henriksson Aka Minilogue | Mental | Mirror System | Misled Convoy | Raja Ram & Chicago | Schatsi In Dub /Ace Ventura/ | Solar Fields | Tengri | The Irresistible Force | Tsubi In Dub | Vataff Project | Vizar | Vlastur | Zoungla
DRAGON NEST: Adrian Sherwood | Chancha Via Circuito | Fingers Mitchell Cullen | Gaudi Allstars Orchestra | HabooDubz | Kalumet | Kikagaku Moyo | Lazúz by Laruz & Tula | Light In Babylon | Maoom | Matsumoto Zoku | Meute | Mike Stellar | Mop Mop feat. Wayne Snow | morcX | Olga Podluzhnaya Uutai | Onogana | Óperentzia feat. Csángálló | Paddy Free | Panda Dub Live Band | Pitch Black | Random Rab | Rasa Sound | Riff Cohen | Steampunk Radio Show | United Tribes | Vince Varga | Vlastur Full Band | Zoungla Live Band
PUMPUI: Ad-M & Yury | Almond Lama | Balo | Behind Blue Eyes | Botond | Dimitri Nakov | Disandat | Dominic Thomas | Eitan Reiter | Format C | Fraser | Gabriel Le Mar | Gahabbi b2b Vektor Equilibrium | Gerő | Golanski | Gregmatter aka Fungus | Henzi | Hruscsov | Infragandhi | Infragandhi feat. MC Fedora | James Monro | Katamii | Krammer | Lank | Lucas | Miso | Monga | Nobody Home aka. Minilogue | Nton | Papa | Petrovszky | Reti | Roocha | Sundi & Tatoo | Szamy | Techmesi | Terra | Titusz | Tongue & Groove | Tripswitch | Tsubi | Zegotha
CHAMBOK HOUSE: Chiara Baldini | Darren Springer | David Luke | Ede Frecska | Kilindi Ivy | Sara Glatt
CIRCUS: Asaf Mor | Firebirds | Flame Flowers | Freak Fusion Cabaret | La Sprindola | Pyrodanza | Shape Productions | Solstix
MIRADOR: Alonso Murillo | Bella Volen | Ben Lopez | Csill Art Scrap Yard | Jessica Perlstein | Jonathan Solter | Julian Graham aka. Aumega | Mangro Forest | Morgan Mandala | Norbert Papp | Patrice Hubert | Phadroid | Randal Roberts | Subliquida Project | Tokio Aoyama
ARTIBARN: Dóra Szűcs & János Friss – Ceramics workshop | Gameouse Project – Board games workshop | Kata Styrna – Felting workshop | Mangro Forest Art Studio – Wood carving workshop | Nagymaros Art Studio – REjewelry | Outdoor Pottery Kiln | Reart Creative Group – Upcycling workshop | Retextil Foundation – Smart textiles workshop | Tibor Fülöp – Forge workshop | Zsófi Vörös – Tie dye batik workshop
HELION: Anna Sebők – Thai Massage | Flóra Vértessy – Shiatsu | Gábor Polzovits – Crystal Therapy | Gergő Békefi – Cranio Sacral Therapy | Judit Somhegyi – Ma uri massage | Krisztina Garamvölgyi – Yumeiho | Notaras Grigorios – Thai Massage | Sally Meredith – ZenThai Shiatsu | Sandra Pühringer – Thai Massage | Sergiu Francisc Manolescu – Crystal Energy Healing | Zsolt Tar – Introduction to craniosacral biodynamics
PYRAMID: Annas Makhzomi – Capoeira | Fruzsina Szenczi – Ashtanga Yoga | Hajni Gazdag – Aikido | Judit Virág – Tribal Belly Dance | Lucija Bozicevic – Movement exploration | Melchor Abubo – Gentle Warrior | Réka Hargitay – Acro Yoga