MAIN STAGE: Ace Ventura | Ajja | Alien Project | Alpha Portal | Altruism | Android Spirit | Aphid Moon | Astral Projection | Astrix | Atmos | Audioform | Aurafood | Braincell | Burn in Noise | Daksinamurti vs. Buzz | Darwish | Dickster | Disc Junkey | Domestic | Dr Space | E-Clip | Earthling | Earthspace | Eat Static | Etnica | Fagin’s Reject | Farebi Jalebi | Filterheads | Fungus Funk | Giuseppe | Görgő | Groovebox | Grouch | Hallucinogen | Hatta | Hilight Tribe | Hujaboy | Hux Flux | Ingrained Instincts | Insector | Irgumburgum | Juno Reactor and The Mutant Theatre | Kabayun | Kindzadza | Laughing Buddha | Liquid Ross | Logic Bomb | Loud Band | Manmachine | Mara | Marcus Henriksson | Mark Day | Mechanimal | Middle Mode | Miranda | Nigel | Ninesense | Novelty Engine | Obliviant | Oxidaksi | Paratech | Perfect stranger | Prometheus | Psybindi | Regan | Renegade DJ | Ridden | Ritmo | Shakta | Shane Gobi | Shiva Chandra | Shpongle – 6th Album Exclusive Preview -Raja Ram & Simon Posford Live | Southwild | Space Tribe vs Mad Maxx | Sybarite | Symbolic | System 7 | Talpa | Tristan | Tsubi | Vert3x | Vertical | Virtual Light | Will O Wisp | Yaminahua
CHILL OUT DOME: Akasha Project | Aliji | Benji Vaughan | Berni Vs eDina | Beta | Biosphere | Birds Of Paradise | Brando Lupi | Clairvo | Claudio PRC | DJ Josko | DzaDzakin | Eat Static presents: Bazaar Mystique | Etnica in Dub | Green Beats | Grouch | Jasper Dubmission | Loopus in Fabula | Loud in dub | Lucas | Matt Black | Mental | Mettakin | Mirror System | MixMaster Morris presents The Irresistible Force | Modern Errors | Murcof | Nobody Home | Ott | Polarize | Sebastian Mullaert & Eitan Reiter | Sorian | Sufi’s Life | The Orb Sound System | Toires | Traum Atlas | Unknown Reality | Younger Brother
DRAGON NEST: Anima Sound System plays Shalom | Brooklyn Gypsies | Colorstar | Den Sorte Skole | Ethnofil | Félix Lajkó String Trio | Filastine | Gayan Uttejak Orchestra Limited | Kaminanda Live | La Yegros | Lee Scratch Perry & Subatomic Sound System | My Baby | Oka | Orlando Julius & The Heliocentrics | Panda Dub | Thaalavattam | The Spy From Cairo | Vlastur Full Band | Wild Marmalade
PUMPUI: Adam & Yury | Almond Lama | Balo | Bernathy Zsiga | Cid Inc | D-nox & Beckers | David Mole | Disandat | Dominic Thomas | Dorombal | Eitan Reiter | Emmanuel Top | Fred Hush | Gerő | Gorgo | Henzi | Infragandhi | Jaffa Surfa | Katamii | Krammer | Lank | Lucas | Miso | Monga | Monolit | Nobody Home | Nova Gravity | Nton | Papa | Parallel Dialog | Roland Handrick | Roocha | Sundi & Tatoo | Switchbox | Szamy | Taku | Techmesi | Titusz | Tongue & Groove | Tsubi | Yuli Fershtat | Zegotha |
MIRADOR: Jonathan Solter | Chromesthesia | Break One | Thisisopium | Jessica Perstein | Csill_Art ScrapYard
CHAMBOK HOUSE: Graham Hancock | Julian Palmer | Giorgio Samorini | David Nickles | Einat Ran | Giorgia Gaia
ARTIBARN: Angéla Thiesz – Retextil | Davide Gomba – L.E.D thoweries | Dóra Szűcs – Ceramic | Gamehouse Project – Boardgames | Kata Styrna – Felting | Krisztina Makrai – Linocut | Liila Csetényi – Leather Art | Mangro Forest – Woodcarving | Nagymaros Art Studio – Amulett & Talisman | Reart Creative Group – Ucycling | Tibor Fülöp – Forge | University of Pécs – Sound Hackers | Zsófi Vörös – Batik
PYRAMID: Yogesh Patel – Hatha Yoga | Annas Makhzomi – Capoeira | Fruzsi Szenczi – Ashtanga Yoga | Hajnalka Gazdag – Aikido | Irda Risdiarti – Traditional Indonesian Dance | István Drimal – Iyengar Yoga | Judit Lefkovics Virag – Tribal Belly Dance | Kata Lengyel – Contemporian Dance | Kriszti Mogyorósy – Hatha Yoga | Melchor Abubo – Mix of Yoga and Thai Chi | Niki Báder – Pilates |
HEALING: András Knithoffer – Nadi | Anna Sebők – Thai Massage | Gábor Polzovits – Crystal Therapy | Gergő Békefi – Cranio Sacral Therapy | Ildikó Palásti – Quantum Balance Method | István Békesi – Nadi | Judit Somhegyi – Ma Uri Massage | Julia & Nadja Liebetrau – Lomi Lomi | Manolescu Sergiu – Crystal Therapy | Marianna Kutics – Quantum Balance Method | Mateusz Flak – Thai Massage | Miri Keller – Yumeiho | Pavlis Liapis – Thai Massage | Sabrina Rondinelli – Thai Massage, Reflexology | Sándor Szilágyi – Tibetan Healing Bowls | Zsolt Tar – Cranio Sacral Therapy
PERFOMANCE: Circus Lumineszenz | Csaba Méhes Pantomine | Gangaray Trambulin | Hathors Dance Company | Mickey Yonas Company | Rita Góbi Company | Small Theater
CIRCUS: Arson Malabares | Freak Fusion Cabaret | Firebirds | Pyrodanza | Magma Fire Theatre | Studio Fire Circle
The gates open on Saturday at 10am (July 30, 2016). In light of last year’s difficulties in getting in smoothly, we are working on making it much easier for you this upcoming summer.
You can buy your hard copy tickets at several places around the world but you can also buy tickets online. There are three websites where you can do this:
O.Z.O.R.A. WEBSITE – First you have to register with your email address to the Psychedelic Tribal Association. Then type in the name that will appear on the ticket. (Make sure that the ticket owner’s name matches the name in the identification documents.)
Clicking on the ‘Buy a voucher’ button you are directed to a Paypal webpage where you can pay via your account or with your debit card. After a successful transaction, you get an invoice from Paypal and a voucher from O.Z.O.R.A. Festival with the name of the ticket owner and the voucher number (with a picture and a QR code). With this voucher you can get your festival wristband at the gates. https://ozorafestival.eu/
ACCESS ALL AREAS – On the Access All Areas webpage you can choose from several payment methods: Credit/Debit card, Cheque (U.K. orders only) or bank transfer. You can get your voucher by email, post or in person at the Camden office. http://
HADRA WEBSITE – On the Hadra webpage, after you have chosen how many tickets you would like to buy, you have to register. After the registration, you can choose from three payment methods: bank transfer, debit card or cheque. You receive your voucher with its serial number by email. http://hadra.net/
Ozora – One Day events:
One Day in Tokyo 2016
One Day in Goa 2016
OZORA – One Day In Brasil
One Day in London